On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 12:06 AM, Gonzalo Nemmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 July 2008 15:23:15 Erik Trulsson wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 11:09:17AM -0400, FreeBSD Questions wrote:
>> > This book was printed in August 2004.  This predates FBSD 5, and I
>> > know there were some significant changes between the 4.x and 5.x
>> > branches.  We've progressed further and are now into version 7.  How
>> > well does this book apply to more current versions of FreeBSD, such as
>> > version 7?
>> The 2004 edition of that book does cover FreeBSD 5.2  (says so clearly on
>> the cover anyway.) This means that all the major changes between 4.x and
>> 5.x should be included in it.
>> There have been many changes in FreeBSD since then, of course, but most of
>> those changes have been fairly evolutionary in nature, so most of the book
>> should still apply reasonably well.
> Actually .. I'd be more than willing to buy an updated version of that book
> too .. I _do_ undertand your point of view but to be honest, I'd rather buy a
> new copy that prints everything up to _yesterday_ and that has at least some
> hints into tomorrow ...
> Yet your point is completly valid one.. and that's why "The Design and
> Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" is the only book that I've
> been hesitant on buying so far ... Lucas (Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition),
> Lavigne (The Best of FreeBSD Basics), Kong (BSD rootkits),  Lehey (Download
> edition:) ) are all over my desktop as I write this mail, and I consult them
> daily ... Farrokhi (Network Administration with FreeBSD) and Hong (Building a
> Server with FreeBSD 7) are the ones coming in the next batch ...
> So far .. there are only three books I would have bought but I didn't because
> I thought the situation could improve ... those are: "The Design and
> Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System", "BSD Hacks" and "The FreeBSD
> HandBook"... same reason for all of them .. too old by now (although I think
> I'll buy "BSD Hacks" anyways .. I just can't resist buying Lavigne books :( )
> (let alone the fact that I would rather buy them all through freebsdmall.com
> that from amazon .. I think freebsdmall would do good if they would offer the
> whole Reed's Media library and the No Starch Press BSD related titles ... i
> would surely buy everything from them =P)
> Finally; Editor, Publisher, _Dear_Writer_: if you guys are hesitant .. I think
> there's at least two copies of an updated version of "The Design and
> Implementation .. " already sold with a lot more on the way :)
> --
> Blessings
> Gonzalo Nemmi

I couldn't agree more with Gonzalo... i find myself in the exact same position.
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