On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 09:47:44AM -0000, DSA - JCR wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 05:31:23PM -0000, DSA - JCR wrote:
> >> Hi all
> >>
> >> FreeBSD 6.2
> >>
> >> I would like to put a password when booting/mounting mi Freebsd box. is
> >> it possible? How?
> >
> >Yes. Use geli(8) encryption.
> >
> >> is for protecting the system from unauthorized users
> >
> >Disk encryption also protects your data if the PC or harddrive is stolen.
> >Roland
> >
> Yes, I had thinking of Geli, but my system is up and running and I don't
> know if I can use geli for this without breaking all
> I have used geli for unused disks and for swap but not for root, because i
> dont know if I will break all....
> can I use it for root, when it is a live system?

You can encrypt the root filesystem, but in that case /boot must be on a
separate unencrypted partition, otherwise the OS cannot boot. So unless
you have a spare partition for /boot, you'll have to make backups and
re-partition your disk.

Note that encrypting the partitions where the OS lives is not
particularly usefull; there is nothing secret there. On the contrary, it
would potentially make the encrypted partition vulnerable to a known
plaintext attack.

So what I would recommend it to put all _your_ data (which you want to
protect from unauthorized access) on one partition (in case of a
desktop, I'd use /home), and encrypt that. To do this you should back up
all your data. Then you fill the partition with random noise using 'dd
if=/dev/random'. This can take some time depending on the size of the
partition. As soon as that is done you can use 'geli init' to initialize
a geli-encrypted device, and 'geli attach' to make a device node. Then
you can use newfs on the new device, mount it and restore your
backup. Now edit /etc/fstab to refer to the geli device. On the next
boot, the rc scripts will ask for the password and take care of the
mounting of the device.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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