> >>>>Or you could consider helping find a way to re-enable
> >>>>the www to send-pr while preventing script kiddies from
> >>>>abusing it.
> >>
> >>Why not have a "pr-moderator" for each category (i386, kern, doc, etc), who
> >>approves each incoming PR.  Basically this person would act as a front-line
> >>defense against spammers, but it would also allow them to assign PRs to
> >>developers as they are submitted, rather than letting them sit in the PR
> >>database for weeks/months before anyone picks them up.
> >
> > I believe something like this is being considered.
> Have you considered a 'confirmation' system that sends mail back to the
> originator for confirmation before actually submitting the PR?
> This way, if someone does manage to spam the GNATS database, we'll have
> their email address and can officially complain.

> Most ISPs would have
> such abuse be grounds for cancelling their account.

That is exactly what would happen at this ISP :o)

Steve Bertrand,
Senior Sys/Network Manager
eagle.ca Internet Services

> --
> Bill Moran
> Potential Technologies
> http://www.potentialtech.com
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