Tony McC wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 16:00:00 +0000
> Tony McC <> wrote:
>> Hi PJ,
>> ok, I tried (I was also trying to offer you support, just a different
>> kind). There was a lot of irrelevant material in your response but the
>> part I have quoted shows such a deep misunderstanding of what I was
>> trying to suggest that I think I'm done. I honestly hope you do get
>> past your headaches with FreeBSD, one way or another.
> Replying to myself, sorry.  I think I owe you an apology for a grumpy
> response.  I think it comes down to the fact our "learning styles" must
> be very different.  You seem to like to try things first and then try
> to understand when things go wrong.  I like to gain a reasonably firm
> theoretical understanding first and then try out things according to a
> plan, keeping notes at each stage.  When something happens that I don't
> understand then of course I learn from that.   I think we are just
> different.  So no, I'm not suggesting you learn the manual by heart
> before going any further.  I am suggesting that you *start* with the
> manual, take it step by step, and only try things that might break your
> system when a) you think you have a firm grasp of what you are doing
> and b) you have a contingency plan to revert to the way things were
> before if something surprising happens.  And, again, as part of a
> "learning style", when I do come across those uncomfortable surprises
> (and I do), I generally assume that I must have done something stupid,
> not that FreeBSD itself is stupid. That is also a learning experience
> for me.
> Best,
> Tony
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That's cool. NP.
My thing is simply... if it works use it. If it doesn't try to fix it...
and here's where you sometimes have to learn or find help.  8-)

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