On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Andreas [iso-8859-1] Widerĝe Andersen wrote:

> I've got two questions:
> 1. I've been getting this error all day on both of my FreeBSD servers
> (different physic location and version - 4.7 STABLE and 4.8 RC): ... did
> not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA. I'm seing this in
> my /var/log/maillog file and since the problems occured around 04.30 this
> morning I haven't received any mails. Can anyone please explain to me
> what's going on? Both servers have been delivering mail for a long
> problem-free time. I'm running Sendmail 8.12.7 (patched) and 8.12.8.

I see "errors" like this when people telnet to port 25 and don't do
anything (usually me, checking the version in the banner that's printed).
It's not usually a problem, and I would guess is probably not related to
sendmail dying. Can you simply restart sendmail ("sendmail -bd -q1h" and
"sendmail -Ac -q1h"), or will it not restart?

> 2. When the mail server isn't sending out mail or relaying, all mail sent
> from localhost end up in here: /var/spool/clientmqueue. How can I manually
> send these mails off later?

Run "sendmail -Ac -q1h". This will scan /var/spool/clientmqueue every hour
and flush out anything that's there. If I had a 4.x box around here, I
could give you better instructions to make it start at boot (in 5.0,
sendmail_msp_queue_enable defaults to YES, and rc starts that daemon; I'm
not sure how 4.x handles it).

- Jeff Jirsa

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