On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 02:06:04PM -0400, Daniel Staal wrote:
> One of the people I know uses this as his work laptop, running Excel,
> Powerpoint, Outlook, Word, etc.  (Of course, he's not running Android at
> that point...)  The 'laptop' is a tablet in a case with a bluetooth
> keyboard.  He uses this _at his desk in the office, next to a desktop
> computer._  (Because he can then take the work home with him, or bring it
> to a meeting.)

With the exception of the spreadsheet and the MUA - and I use that description 
lightly - most of that functionality can be achieved with TeX and with a more 
professional appearance. Granted this approach requires a higher skill level 
but on balance it's worth it because the results are better. People in 
corporate environments seem to use this "toy" software a lot which I can only 
imaginge is for ease and because almost anyone can use it. It can't for cost 
benefit as the most popular version is so expensive. I would never pay that 
much for something put together so badly. I do appreciate, though, the 
conveniece bluetooth and the-like provide. At the moment it's just not 
something I care too much about.
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