On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 21:21:15 -0700, paul beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brett Glass wrote:
I'm attempting to install FreeBSD 4.8 on a system which will boot it and also Windows 2000 Server. I've done this with two multiboot utilities: the simple boot manager that comes with FreeBSD and V Communications' System Commander.

In both cases, I have found that when I install FreeBSD it corrupts neighboring NTFS and FAT partitions. After the install, the OSes in these partitions fail to boot or the partitions become entirely unreadable. Whether I tell FreeBSD not to install an MBR or whether I tell it to install its boot manager, the result is the same: Neighboring partitions are being corrupted to the point where one can not get to data on them.

I realize that dual booting is not common, but I need to do it on this laptop. Has anyone else on the lists encountered this problem?

I have dual-booted this laptop (an IBM A20p) with Win2K and a succession of Linux, NetBSD, and FreeBSD. Other than the annoying problem of a couple years back when IBM chose to label its hibernation slice with the same ID as FreeBSD uses, thereby rendering FreeBSD unusable, it's worked just fine.

Sounds to me like the partitions are overlapping or otherwise not being kept away from each other, but its hard to know for sure without any information off the system.

I've had many different multi-boot configurations involving FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x versions, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Linux, and QNX on various hard drives. Currently FreeBSD and Windows 2000 share a RAID-0 array, while Gentoo Linux and Windows 98 reside on a third disk. Though I'm not particularly tech-savvy, I have never had a single problem with FreeBSD or Linux "corrupting" a Windows install. I guess without more information, we can't be certain that anything is corrupted; if it is, that FreeBSD is doing the corrupting; or how whatever is wrong might be fixed.

Please send more info.

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