On Friday 07 November 2003 09:27 am, Lewis Thompson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there might be any way to mount an sftp
> ``filesystem''? At my university everything is firewalled and the
> only way I can transfer files to/from my account is to use sftp --
> but that gets quite painful after a while.
>   I was wondering if anybody knew a way I might achieve what could
> essentially be described as mounting an sftp ``export''?  Maybe I
> could specify an argument that sets the logical root?
>   So:
> mount_sftp --root=/home/lewiz foo.bar.com /remote_home
> would provide /home/lewiz on foo.bar.com at /remote_host?  Is this
> possible in any way at all?  Or can anybody suggest any other way I
> might achieve something similar?  Bear in mind I am actually
> restricted to sftp/ssh.

Sorry, I didn't see this sooner...

I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but you can do this in 
KDE using the fish:// protocol, which is basically file sharing over 
ssh. You bring up the konqueror browser and do 
fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED] and it should pop open a GUI representation 
of your home directory on the server "hostname". When you click on an 
editable file it will run an editor and it really downloads the file, 
edits it, then when you go to save it says something like "This file 
is on a remote host, do you want to upload it?" and you just click 

I haven't tried this will all different kinds of editors. The editors 
that come with the KDE desktop all work with this, but not sure about 
vi or emacs.

So, it's not exactly what you had in mind, but it works for me.

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