Thank you Jez! This was still a bit of a battle . . . until I grasped
that mod_php was expecting Apache to have been build from a port! Or,
at least it was expecting Apache's files to be located thus. So I killed
my existing Apache, installed a new one from a port, and that's that.
I hate the GNU layout but it's nothing some symbolic links can't handle.

Thanks again,
The Bean

--- Jez Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 01:38:21PM -0800, Chris wrote:
> > You know, it never occured to me that there were individual 
> > Apache modules in the ports. Thanks Josh! Doesn't look like 
> > it would help in this case, though, as the mod_php port is
> > for Apache 1.3, and I need 2.0.
> I believe you can force the mod_php4 port to install for apache2 using
> 'WITH_APACHE2'.  Having said this though last time I looked the mod_php4
> port automatically detects what version of apache you're running so you
> don't even need to use WITH_APACHE2.
> Here it is - in /usr/ports/lang/php4/Makefile (which the mod_php4 make
> process uses):
> .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/include/apache2/apr.h)
> .endif
> -- 
> Jez Hancock
>  - System Administrator / PHP Developer
>  - personal weblog
>        - ipfw peruser traffic logging

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