On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 07:16:36AM +0000, Supote Leelasupphakorn wrote:
> Hi all
>    I've cvsup with below supfile. After finished,
> The file:/usr/src/sys/conf/newvers.sh say 
> #   @(#)newvers.sh  8.1 (Berkeley) 4/20/94
> # $FreeBSD: src/sys/conf/newvers.sh,v 2003/11/27
> 16:34:21 nectar Exp $
> TYPE="FreeBSD"
> REVISION="4.8"
>    Even I specificed date in supfile (the date is from Security
> Advisory: FreeBSD-SA-04:02.shmat), it's RELEASE-p14 not
> RELEASE-p15. Why and how do I get previous branch of source
> tree.
> ##################################
> # My supfile.
> ##################################
> *default host=cvsup2.jp.freebsd.org
> *default base=/usr/local/etc
> *default prefix=/usr
> *default release=cvs date=2004. tag=RELENG_4_8
> *default delete use-rel-suffix
> *default compress
> src-all

What are you trying to do?  You have specified a date to cvsup to, so
you'll get the contents of the source tree at that point in time.  If
you want a later date, specify it, or just don't specify a date at all
if you want the latest revision on that branch.


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