
This is on 5.2-CURRENT

I want to apply devfs rules to a jails /dev. I am starting my jails manually and not through rc.conf (directly -- I have written my own rc script to start my jails since I have a bunch of file system stuff like mounting some localhost nfs and some md device mounts to do as part of the launch).

I noticed that /etc/defaults/devfs.rules has a default set of rules that one might use with a jail, so I am starting there. It appears that this is ruleset 4

# Devices usually found in a jail.
add include $devfsrules_hide_all
add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic
add include $devfsrules_unhide_login

I have

/sbin/mount_devfs devfs /jail/host/dev
/sbin/devfs -m /jail/host/dev ruleset 4
/sbin/devfs -m /jail/host/dev rule applyset

but nothing happens. Am I going about this the wrong way? I assume that devfs will normally find the /etc/defaults/devfs.rules ????

I am new to the 5.x way of doing things and have read a bunch of man pages but feel I may be missing a step.


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