On Mon, 7 Jun 2004 13:10:06 -0700
"Goodleaf, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    Hello,
>    I'm abusing the mailing list because many of you are sickeningly
>    clever and have long experience in IT. I'm working to establish a
>    document (yep) providing guidance for our company's
>    small-but-growing IT group with regard to coding standards and
>    practices. It seems rife with potential problems and there is
>    already the potential for one of those variable-naming holy wars
>    (e.g. intVariableName, varname, VarName, varName).

Only one suggestion here: avoid 'varname'.  It makes it more difficult
for non-native-English speakers to parse, as they don't usually have an
innate grasp of where one word should stop and the next word should
begin.  In fact, the problem is not restricted to those who learned
English as a second language; how would *you* parse
"opportunityisnowhere"?  :)

>    So my question:
>    is there a good document out there on the net somewhere, maybe
>    hiding at a University site from which I can draw for general
>    consideration? Any experiences? Recommendations?

style(9) has already been mentioned... personally, I like


However, a lot of those rules are specific to Erlang and/or functional
programming and/or distributed programming.

>    It's a hard problem. How do you provide conventions that don't
>    annoy the hell out of programmers, but which ensure that legibile,
>    maintainable code is left?

Accept that you're going to annoy some of them no matter what you do,
and don't worry about it further, I guess.

>    Any suggestions welcome. Please cc me directly, as I'm not
>    currently on this list.
>    John

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