"Hakim Z. Singhji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
> | Hakim Z. Singhji wrote:
> |
> |> Hash: SHA1
> |>
> |> Hi Everyone,
> |>
> |> I am building a gateway/router from a i386 300Mhz, 32MB RAM, 5GB hda and
> |> ~  I need to buy the NIC cards.  I wanted to have three interface
> |> connection points to my gateway/router. Does anyone have any suggestions
> |> on the type of NIC I should use?  I would appreciate some help.
> |>
> |> In addition, I'm new to BSD. I hail from the Redhat world, but I
> |> anticipate FreeBSD to be a great addition to my network.
> |>
> |> HZS
> |
> |
> |
> | 10/100?  There are less Gigabit types that are supported, yet,
> | but then the reason for that should be pretty obvious.
> |
> | Anyway, you generally can't go wrong with 3Com.  That said,
> | I've never had trouble with 3Com, SiS, DEC/Intel, even RealTek
> | and the onboard VIA/Rhine stuff (drivers, respectively: xl, sis, dc,
> | rl, vr).
> |
> | That covers quite a few chipsets.  There are plenty more.  The
> | only problem I have answering your post is that I don't know what's
> | *not* supported.  Also, some users have reported issues with "watchdog
> | timeout" errors using 5.X FBSD and one of the drivers mentioned above.
> | You could probably spot which one on Google ...
> |
> | HTH,
> |
> | Kevin Kinsey
> Well Kevin,
> Do you know where I can get a 3COM or Intel card for a good price???  I
> tried pricewatch.com however they all seem to be around the same between
> 29 - 35 dollars.

That looks like a good price to me.  You pay a little more for the better
cards, but if you need the performance, it's worth it.

If you're looking for low-cost, I've always had good success with the
Realtek cards.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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