> I apologize, when you said:
> "... did a custom kernel (placing in /root/kernels ..."
> I took it too literally, thinking that for some odd reason you had put
> the actual built (binary) kernel into /root/kernels and were symlinking
> from /boot/kernel to that directory, as opposed to simply putting the
> kernel config file there.  However, is it just a typing mistake that you
> say you link to MYKERNEL, but you say the actual links points to

Nah, just me being sloppy in my syntax; I got the names right
(luckily) during the actual build (or did i ... interesting ...).

> MYCUSTOM?  Also, what does an `ls -l /boot/kernel/kernel` reveal?  Does
> the modification time coincide with the time you actually built your
> custom kernel?

94214 -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  5940286 Feb 24  2004 /boot/kernel/kernel

So it's the old one ... now, this is good, because on my other test
system the kernel date is correct and uname -v is correct ... so, i've
done something wrong and am gonna try it again ... i'm doing it at
work and probably too distracted by my annoying users! :-)

thanks for you help ... wish me luck on my second attempt!

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