
I´ve installed FreeBSD 5.2.1 in my PC machine. I compiled my own
programs and started to running them. For my surprise, I checked that
FreeBSD programs spent almost 50% more time than the same program compiled
to linux. I checked several compile options, but it did not have good results.

The compiler in my FreeBSD is gcc3.3.3. Are there someone that could
help me ??


I would like

There are a lot of things that could be happening, and I doubt that the gcc
version has anything to do with this.

1) did you recompile your kernel without debugging options? I don't know if the
default kernel comes with them turned off. Also, your malloc.conf may not be
set up for speed (may have debugging options still).

2) You may want to try a later version of FreeBSD, for example... wait for 5.3
to come out. I'm using 5.3-BETA6 right now, and without doing any testing to
get actual numbers, it "feels" a lot faster.

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