On Friday 05 February 2010 9:00:51 am Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Randi Harper wrote:
>  > Marian Hettwer wrote:
>  > > +1 vote for making / bigger.
>  > > At least a size where a make installkernel runs through.
>  > 
>  > This is going to happen. It's been on my to-do list for a while, as I
>  > find it increasingly annoying. The default sizes of all mount points
>  > need to be tweaked a bit. Be patient, there will be some new changes
>  > going into sysinstall very soon.
> Revisiting sysinstall's default partition sizes is certainly
> a good idea.
> However, I think it makes a lot of sense to *not* install
> symbol files in /boot/kernel by default.  I can't think of
> a good reason why they need to be there by default, and
> they're what causes the space problems for the root FS in
> the first place.
> Please change the default.

It makes debugging kernel crashes for simpler and easier.  For example, with 
the kernel symbols installed, the crashinfo(8) script can generate useful 
information after a crash on an out-of-the-box system.

John Baldwin
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