On 04.06.12 05:24, Dave Hayes wrote:
Anyway, given my workload, it will probably take me a man week to get two virtualized test servers. Someone I know with a vmware gui and windows is doing this in 15 minutes (and that's being careful). Just my $0.02.

You are unfortunately comparing apples with oranges here.

If you want true comparison, compare how fast you will have VirtualBox OSE up and running on both FreeBSD and Windows. Both of you start with a system where it has to be compiled and installed. I guess your Windows friend will stop at "compiler? what?". You can't get the source code of vmware and compile it yourself, of course.. that's just another little detail.

Not the same? They get the thing pre-compiled? So could you.

Thing is, once you go trough the trouble to install VirtualBox on FreeBSD you get a lot more usable vrtualization platform, with things like ZFS that aren't going to be available on Windows.

It was mentioned a number of times already, that if you want to run "binary only" you would be better with PC-BSD -- and system based on FreeBSD (so it has most, but not all of the goodies), and someone else pre-compiles and pre-packages software for you. Just one click install.

So, if you used PC-BSD, you could have had VirtualBox running perhaps for the same time an Windows user would.

There is place for binary-only systems and systems where you are able to rebuild everything from source. FreeBSD tends to focus on the later while various folk (like PC-BSD) use the great FreeBSD platform to offer easier to use binary only systems. Of course, you could use the FreeBSD ports tree and build from source on PC-BSD too.

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