On 07.06.12 08:27, Dave Hayes wrote:
Personally, a 'pkg-options-descr' text file would suit me just fine.

I have considered this lack of information about port options myself. Sometimes, when installing "new" (to your understanding) software finding out what those options actually do and what are the real implications is very hard. The same situation, even worse happens when you update an port and the new version has introduced yet new options.
Sometimes, hints on what those do end up in /usr/ports/UPDATING.

It is clear, that something has to be done. Unfortunately, you can't just force port maintainers to document it, because of many reasons. One not very obvious reason is that many ports use pretty much 'generic' options, like WITHOUT_CUPS. For most such ports, this means "I don't want cups on my system", but in few it might mean something different. Finding adequate way to document all this is a bit tricky. Good ideas are welcome.

The idea Warren Block has is very useful and I fully agree that there should be some option to "reset to default". It would be also extremely helpful if the dialog UI indicates somehow which options are set to something different from the default. Lacking this information is a big waste of time, especially when upgrading older ports. Or having the saved options lying around from an previous install of that port.

At least, some way of mandatory describing of what setting particular option for a port does, outside of what is found in the Makefile and in plain English will be very, very useful.

[off topic]
By the way, on the "waste of time". I view it a bit differently, when it comes to internet mailing lists. Suppose I waste 30 minutes of my time researching and preparing an response to a "stupid" question. It is apparently my decision to do so and nobody is blaming anyone. But imagine, this mailing list is read by tens, hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands people (Google searches not accounted for). All those people are going to read the stupid question and the trivial answer. This is huge waste of time. Doesn't help that all those people are willingly wasting their time. Of course, we need discussions like this as a lot of people learn new things. Just the proper balance sometimes is difficult to achieve. But those who ask, will do better for everyone to try to comprehend what they have been told, before continuing their jihad.

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