From: "Aristedes Maniatis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 9:32 PM
Subject: update strategies

> It appears that there are two strategies for updating FreeBSD
> * cvsup the latest STABLE release on a regular basis
> * get the CD release (4.6, 4.7, etc) snapshots periodically and
> from that either with binaries or compiled from source
> I am curious about what most people do. For a server where
stability is
> important, I obviously don't want to buildworld once a week, but it
> also important to keep on top of bug reports and security holes.

I cvsup the source 3x/week via cron, ports slightly less often, and
when I feel like it (which isn't TOO often) or when there's a
announcement made.  My servers run at low loads, typically, so
-STABLE works just great on my "production" servers.  I'm looking
into portupgrade to update ports, it seems like it's going to be

>I'm having some problems getting the kernel to compile (errors in
>"/usr/src/sys/modules/linux") and I suspect that the problem may be
>to this lack of understanding about which source trees live where.

Usual suggestion is re-cvsup and try again.  Sounds like you could
have left something out of your kernel config file, though, with this

G'luck, Kevin Kinsey,
DaleCo, S.P.

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