Hello, and thank you for your reply...
Quoting Vivek Khera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Nov 2, 2007, at 3:30 AM, Chris H. wrote:

FWIW The system already knows what timezone it lives in. It simply  chose
to change to PST according to the /normal/ standards. What happened  here
in the USA, is that president Bush decided that we'd be better  served here
if we waited an additional week to set our clocks back one hour. So. It seems this particular server decided to ignore our president (not that I blame it)

Most of us went through this *last* year when the rules took effect. Did it not affect your system last year?

Basically you need to get a corrected /etc/localtime and restart any long running programs that depend on time, notably cron.

Ahh... I'm guessing that you missed the following post in this thread titled
"date/time trouble - PST came too early [fixed]" posted 11-02.

LI Xin offered the following solution, which solved my dilemma:

Install /usr/ports/misc/zoneinfo or upgrade your system to a recent
release (preferred), e.g. RELENG_6_2 aka FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE.

Re-run tzsetup and choose your time zone accordingly.  You will need to
restart the time-sensitive services afterward, or reboot the whole
system :-)

I chose the port && Re-run tzsetup && restart route. :)
Thanks again for taking making the effort to respond.


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