On Sep 23, 2008, at 12:45 AM, Ian Smith wrote:
It also doesn't seem reasonable to expect that decision to be rushed in advance of the necessary evaluation of the success or otherwise of both
6.4 and 7.1 releases - especially when we're talking about these being
only a month or so away anyway.

Let me try to say this one other way. If you want businesses or anyone really who doesn't have unlimited time and energy to help evaluate, test, etc this release prior to it coming out, shouldn't you make it worth their while? Supporting 6.3 for longer than 6.4 doesn't make it worth anyone's time or attention to evaluate 6.4. Which means that it becomes significantly more likely that 6.4 will ship with a major problem that could or should have been caught in pre- release testing.

The current policy of "not deciding until after the fact" for support periods could in fact be implemented with a reasonable policy that doesn't require a psychic to determine the likely failure or not of a release. I've proposed one. I'm sure that there are better ways to say it, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys would take the problem seriously.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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