
On 07.05.2013 10:40, Victor Miasnikov wrote:
prevent default OS driver from attaching to emulated ATA controller
when Hyper-V

Disable both primary and secondary ATA controller prevent use CD-ROM
device in VM ( guest)

Because "synthetic storage driver" not handle CD-ROM devices
( IMHO, even more: Hyper-V host work with CD-ROM only as "PCI bus" device)

A.M.> Then may be possibility of blocking/hiding specific ATA channels or
A.M.> devices could be investigated.

IMHO, this ( or some like this) must be investigated
In any case, need carefully testing work CD-ROM ( primary for LiveCD and (or) .ISO for setup FreeBSD) in Hyper-V enviroment


. . .
On 23.04.2013 17:07, Larry Melia wrote:
. . .
L.M.>>> Removing our ATA patches, on the other hand, results in a huge
L.M.>>> performance loss. This is because the root file system is managed by the
L.M.>>> ATA driver, which is emulated under Hyper-V.
VVM>> Place on IDE disk only "\boot" ( and bootloader), other on SCSI .
A.M.> May be instead of splitting filesystem it could be better to boot from
A.M.> "SCSI" completely and forget about "ATA"?
A.M.> Or there is no option ROM for SCSI boot in Hyper-V?

Yes, boot from SCSI disk in Hyper-V VM ( "guest") is impossible

Best regards, Victor Miasnikov
Blog:  http://vvm.blog.tut.by/

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