2013/5/26 Marc Fournier <scra...@hub.org>:
> On 2013-05-26, at 2:54 AM, Mikhail Tsatsenko <m.tsatse...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2013/5/26 Marc Fournier <scra...@hub.org>:
>> Hi
>>> First, thank you for the answer about switching from straight bridge to 
>>> using a tap device ... that made a *huge* difference ... I'm not able to 
>>> actually run a build world within the environment without having the whole 
>>> machine lock up ...
>>> So, went next step ... now that I can successfully build, I added the Guest 
>>> Additions ... from what I've read, its what is required in order to get 
>>> time sync to work between host and guest ... but doesn't quite seem to do 
>>> it:
>>> # ssh ams "(uptime; date)" ; date
>>> 1:55AM  up 1 day, 20:30, 0 users, load averages: 0.05, 0.07, 0.08
>>> Sun May 26 01:55:16 ADT 2013
>>> Sun May 26 04:57:57 UTC 2013
>>> kldstat shows the vboxguest.ko module has been loaded ... I have ntpd 
>>> disabled, so I don't believe I'm *supposed* to need it, correct?
>> try setting sysctl kern.eventtimer.idletick=1
>> It should resolve the issue
> Just to confirm …is this within the Guest, or on the Host itself?
> Thx
within the Guest

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