On 19 Aug 2015 17:37, "Michael B. Eichorn" <i...@michaeleichorn.com> wrote:

> From what I hear freebsd-update probably will not implement this, however
> there is a possibility that some option might develop as a result of
> packaging base, which is currently an active project. For more info
> checkout the presentation @bapt gave at BSDCan 2015 [1] and the interview
> he gave on the BSDNow Podcast [2].
> [1] Presentation (44 min): https://youtu.be/Br6izhH5P1I
>     Q&A (14 min): https://youtu.be/v7px6ktoDAI
> [2] Interview (12 min): https://youtu.be/gDi09Wfx-9s?t=25m2s

Nice! Many thanks for the links :-)
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