On 16/05/13 11:30, Sergey Nasonov wrote:
> Hello.
> I have get problem running XENHVM kernel.
> FreeBSD VM was created based on template "Other install media"
> Fetching from git and compilation was fine.
> Unfortunately I cant copy VM screen output from XenCenter console so
> write this by hand.
> run_interrupt_driven_hooks: still waiting after 60 seconds for
> xenbusb_nop_confighook_cb
> run_interrupt_driven_hooks: still waiting after 120 seconds for
> xenbusb_nop_confighook_cb
> run_interrupt_driven_hooks: still waiting after 180 seconds for
> xenbusb_nop_confighook_cb
> run_interrupt_driven_hooks: still waiting after 240 seconds for
> xenbusb_nop_confighook_cb
> run_interrupt_driven_hooks: still waiting after 300 seconds for
> xenbusb_nop_confighook_cb
> panic: run_interrupt_driven_config_hooks: waited too long
> cpuid = 0
> KDB: enter: panic
> [ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ]
> Stopped at kdb_enter+0x3e: movq $0,kdb_why
> I am running this VM on XenServer 6.1
> xe vm-list name-label="FreeBSD 10 pvhvm" params=all
> uuid ( RO) : f5b51518-5e6a-5f0b-1539-07e97f91ff6e
> name-label ( RW): FreeBSD 10 pvhvm
> name-description ( RW): Experimental from
> git://xenbits.xen.org/people/royger/freebsd.git
> user-version ( RW): 1
> is-a-template ( RW): false
> is-a-snapshot ( RO): false
> snapshot-of ( RO): <not in database>
> snapshots ( RO):
> snapshot-time ( RO): 19700101T00:00:00Z
> snapshot-info ( RO):
> parent ( RO): <not in database>
> children ( RO):
> is-control-domain ( RO): false
> power-state ( RO): running
> memory-actual ( RO): 1073688576
> memory-target ( RO): <expensive field>
> memory-overhead ( RO): 11534336
> memory-static-max ( RW): 1073741824
> memory-dynamic-max ( RW): 1073741824
> memory-dynamic-min ( RW): 1073741824
> memory-static-min ( RW): 134217728
> suspend-VDI-uuid ( RW): <not in database>
> suspend-SR-uuid ( RW): a5b07c91-b940-d1c8-6822-3ef2517cca89
> VCPUs-params (MRW):
> VCPUs-max ( RW): 1
> VCPUs-at-startup ( RW): 1
> actions-after-shutdown ( RW): Destroy
> actions-after-reboot ( RW): Restart
> actions-after-crash ( RW): Restart
> console-uuids (SRO): 5ec0c160-cada-1bd1-fbea-967e5b8a3bd4
> platform (MRW): timeoffset: 0; nx: true; acpi: 1; apic: true; pae: true;
> viridian: true
> allowed-operations (SRO): changing_dynamic_range; hard_reboot;
> hard_shutdown; pause; snapshot
> current-operations (SRO):
> blocked-operations (MRW):
> allowed-VBD-devices (SRO): <expensive field>
> allowed-VIF-devices (SRO): <expensive field>
> possible-hosts ( RO): <expensive field>
> HVM-boot-policy ( RW): BIOS order
> HVM-boot-params (MRW): order: cd
> HVM-shadow-multiplier ( RW): 1.000
> PV-kernel ( RW):
> PV-ramdisk ( RW):
> PV-args ( RW):
> PV-legacy-args ( RW):
> PV-bootloader ( RW):
> PV-bootloader-args ( RW):
> last-boot-CPU-flags ( RO): vendor: GenuineIntel; features:
> 0004e33d-bfebfbff-00000001-20100800
> last-boot-record ( RO): <expensive field>
> resident-on ( RO): f20889e5-3395-4094-bec3-9e66cbdee395
> affinity ( RW): f20889e5-3395-4094-bec3-9e66cbdee395
> other-config (MRW): vgpu_pci: ; base_template_name: Other install media;
> mac_seed: 91eceff7-7c2c-5222-5bb4-6f0fb80061c4; install-methods: cdrom
> dom-id ( RO): 53
> recommendations ( RO): <restrictions><restriction
> field="memory-static-max" max="137438953472" /><restriction
> field="vcpus-max" max="16" /><restriction property="number-of-vbds"
> max="7" /><restriction property="number-of-vifs" max="7" /></restrictions>
> xenstore-data (MRW): vm-data:
> ha-always-run ( RW) [DEPRECATED]: false
> ha-restart-priority ( RW):
> blobs ( RO):
> start-time ( RO): 20130516T09:52:35Z
> install-time ( RO): 20130515T12:30:44Z
> VCPUs-number ( RO): 1
> VCPUs-utilisation (MRO): <expensive field>
> os-version (MRO): <not in database>
> PV-drivers-version (MRO): <not in database>
> PV-drivers-up-to-date ( RO): <not in database>
> memory (MRO): <not in database>
> disks (MRO): <not in database>
> networks (MRO): <not in database>
> other (MRO): <not in database>
> live ( RO): <not in database>
> guest-metrics-last-updated ( RO): <not in database>
> cooperative ( RO) [DEPRECATED]: <expensive field>
> protection-policy ( RW): <not in database>
> is-snapshot-from-vmpp ( RO): false
> tags (SRW):
> appliance ( RW): <not in database>
> start-delay ( RW): 0
> shutdown-delay ( RW): 0
> order ( RW): 0
> version ( RO): 0
> Which additional info can I provide?

Hello Sergey,

Thanks for testing this, I'm afraid I'm not really familiar with
XenServer or XenCenter. It looks like Linux users are also running into
problems when trying to setup Linux PVHVMs on XenServer 6.1:


Could you login into your Dom0 and provide the output of `xenstore-ls
-fp` while the FreeBSD PVHVM is running?

Also, did the XENHVM FreeBSD kernel used to work without my changes?

Thanks, Roger.

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