<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=37890 >

Daniel Markstedt wrote:
> In what way was it buggy?
- was often left traveling when you accessed a dialog
- the movement is jumpy and often moves more than you want
- many times you could accidentally activate the feature when working in 
the dialogs

Side note: Now when I tested this in the fullscreen mode this scrolling
feature worked much better. I didn't experience the jumping behaviour at
all and the feature didn't activate doubly as it sometimes did in the 
> With "full size" do you mean fullscreen? To enter fullscreen mode,
> first select the "Fullscreen Mode" checkbox _then_ click on your
> preferred resolution.
Whoa. It works now. :) I feel stupid now. :D Anyway. Not one of us got it
working, even though in retrospect it makes sense to work your way top-down
on the dialog.. Maybe you should add the option to first choose 
resolution and
then the full screen mode for us dumb asses...

> To access the chatline, press right shift+enter. (Yes it's not very
> intuitive. I'd much prefer it to be simply 'tab' as is standard in a
> lot of other games.)
Ok. Great! Now in the next test game it will be considerably easier to 
communicate.. :)
> (...)
>> 7) Middle clicking at production queue (to produce
>> the relevant Civilopedia page) didn't work for any
>> of us.
> What do mean by production 'queue'? The worklist dialog?
Yes. But when I came back home and tested it here, it works. Strange.
>> 8) Middle clicking at research queue (to produce
>> the relevant Civilopedia page) didn't work for any
>> of us.
> Middle-clicking in the research dialogs didn't work for me either now.
> However, right-clicking produced the desired result. Strange.
When I tested this at home the middle clicking didn't work, but right 
clicking worked.
>> 12) The server command 'score' didn't work. It simply
>> didn't do anything. We also tried 'scores' to verify
>> it wasn't a typo.
> This command has been removed in 2.1. Instead, the player dialog
> should show scores. The SDL client hasn't implemented this yet.

Lauri Uotinen

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