<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39334 >

Jason Short wrote:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39334 >

> This indicates the  presence of a "ghost unit": the client believes a
> unit is present incorrectly, and is never told of its removal which
> triggers an assertion when the tile is fogged.

That is what I gathered from looking at the code. However, I am not yet 
familiar enough with the Freeciv sources to give an educated guess as to 
how it may have come about.

> Such bugs crop up periodically in the development code (this assertion
> is disabled for the 2.0 branch and should not be a problem there; it
> will be disabled for 2.1 before release). 

I wasn't saying the assertion caused the crashes I saw in the 2.0.9 
client. I was noting that similar conditions may have triggered the 
crashes in the 2.0 client as in the SVN head client. All speculation, of 

> To track it down however
> generally requires you to be able to reproduce it from a savegame.

No surprise there.


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