<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39880 >

Mr. Markstedt,
Thank you for the prompt answer. Is it possible to use the arrow keys  
to move the view? I know you can use it to move a selected unit. Also,  
wouldn't it not be better to use ctrl-click to move the view not apple- 

Christopher Spiewak

On Nov 22, 2007, at 5:54 AM, Daniel Markstedt wrote:

> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39880 >
> Hi Christopher,
> Thank you for your report! I will try to address your issues below:
> On 11/22/07,  <> wrote:
>> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39880 >
>> Hello,
>> My name is Christopher Spiewak. I have a MacBook intel chip set,  
>> running
>> Apples Leopard. I have been running version 2.1. I have found that  
>> the
>> game is very right click dependent. Not having a right clicker this  
>> is a
>> problem. I do know you can use the cities tab, but this is not as  
>> great.
> You can simulate a right-click by holding down the command (apple) key
> and clicking. A middle-click can be performed by holding alt and
> clicking.
>> I have been running the game in OS X and on BootCamp Windows XP. In
>> Leopard it first has to run X11 (which I do know is not your guys's
>> problem). But on a Mac it looks wrong. The attached file is a pic. of
>> what it looks like in Leopard. I have not changed the pic. The arrows
>> are really cyan.
> This looks like a bug in the theme and/or theme engine. After the game
> has started, try going to Game>Local Options>Theme and change to
> another theme in the dropdown.
>> Christopher Spiewak
>> P.S. I think it would look better without the command line.
> The command line is needed in the pregame screen since not all server
> options or commands are available in the gui. It can also be used to
> chat with other connected users.
> Best regards,
> ~Daniel

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