<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39850 >

> [wsimpson - Mer. Déc. 05 19:31:05 2007]:
> This is the umpteenth time we've seen that code ported from warclients is
> very poorly written.  Let's see, I've already suggested hanging from their
> toes, and lopping off their fingers to prevent future atrocities -- what
> else can be done to punish the perpetrators?

It seems you don't know what was/is warclient. Warclient is a common
name for client made by players. The features you are talking about was
made in iuz's warclient (last version 1.14), which is absolutely not
linked linked with current warclient.

Moreover, the patches including this old warclient features in current
standard Freeciv branches has not been made by iuz, but by Freeciv
developers themselves.

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