<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40028 >

> [wsimpson - Sun Jan 20 11:27:57 2008]:
> Madeline Book wrote:
> > I can reproduce the garbled text and gtk warnings with the released
> > 2.1.1 and branch S2_1. As other occurences of "special" characters
> > (e.g. accented vowels) in translated messages don't show up as "?",
> > I am led to believe it is a problem with only a few translated 
> > (or maybe just the one mentioned in my initial report).
> > 
> Spendid!  We have about 18 hours before release of 2.1.3.  If you 
> your patch to po/fr.po, I'll be happy to check it in....
As much as I would like to do that, after looking for
those strings (I found a few more that gtk doesn't like)
in po/fr.po I failed to find them. In fact they are from
libc.mo (e.g. in /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ on my
system). So now I am a bit confused. Obviously it cannot
be the fault of the freeciv french translators anymore
(sorry :)), is it perhaps that I don't have utf8 french
localization installed on my system? Or perhaps freeciv
is not correctly initializing nls to return translated
text from libc as utf8? I will investigate this problem
some more (though I have no experience at all in properly
building nls-enabled applications); hopefully someone
will speak up about the trivially obvious solution. ;)

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