<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40028 >

> [jdorje - Sun Jan 27 06:35:40 2008]:
> Obviously. But this is not a bug that is going to be easy to verify as
> completely fixed.  Doing so requires scanning every string (not every
> translated string; every string) to check for inclusions of libc 
> > It is a serious bug.
> That depends on how many such strings there are.  I suspect there are
> very few, thus making it a non-fatal and rather rare bug.  In any 
> we can quickly fix the most common places and make it such.

When I was trying to find the source of the strings in the (warclient)
code I noticed that most (if not all) of the translated system strings
were coming from the strerror wrappers (mystrerror, mystrsocketerror).
I presume if you want to intercept and modify the strings that would be
the best place to do it... but I have reservations about implementing
such a "hackish" fix (since it would go against what the user implicitly
or explicitly requested via the LANG enviroment variable).
> > And the .UTF-8 workaround needs to be clearly documented!  
> What workaround?

I think Mr. Simpson meant the LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 workaround to get the
system strings in UTF-8, as mentioned previously in this thread.

Incidentally you can see some other "workarounds" in this thread
http://freeciv.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=156, though in
retrospect it looks to me more like the blind leading the blind. :(

Veering slightly offtopic, but can someone more knowldgeable please
explain to me how it is possible that a cast (i.e. to const gchar *
from const char *) could possibly change the encoding of a string?

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