I wrote:
> Pepeto writes:
> > Le mardi 30 novembre 2010 à 14:47 -0800, David Hartglass a écrit :
> > > For example, currently the type CONNECTION is SINT16, however this
> > > gives us errors (setting CONNECTION to be UINT8, as in the older
> > > versions, fixes this).  Is CONNECTION supposed to be SINT16?  If not,
> > > are there likely to be other such errors in the packets.def file?
> > 
> > This change (r16375, patch #1363) is very problematic because it affects
> > the packet PACKET_SERVER_JOIN_REPLY which must be compatible between
> > Freeciv versions. This may be a blocker for the S2_3.
> I've just remembered about this comment. Is it a blocker for
> 2.3.0-beta1?

I've just had a deeper look; my analysis is at
<http://gna.org/bugs/index.php?17328> (but this is one of my first
forays into the network protocol).

In summary, it looks ugly but non-fatal to me.

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