On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 1:44 PM, johnnie crockett

> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 3:55 AM, Jacob Nevins <
> 0jacobnk.fc...@chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote:
>> johnnie crockett writes:
>> > I would like to inform you of a bug in your recent beta. I observed that
>> any
>> > setting I put for "aifill" other than "5" reports a "read error". the
>> inputs
>> > I've tested so far are as follows: 126, 125, 100, 99, 6, 5 (working),
>> and 4.
>> > All of which, except 5, fail. Each input was tested being greater than,
>> less
>> > than, and equal to, the maxplayers setting, but still failed. I hope you
>> can
>> > resolve this issue. please reply if you have any questions.
>> I couldn't reproduce this in a quick server-only test. Which operating
>> system are you using, and are you launching the server from the client?
>> It would be helpful if you could report this problem to the bug
>> tracking system to decrease the chance of it being lost.
>> <http://freeciv.wikia.com/wiki/Bug_Reporting>
> Thank you for your response. after some fiddling, I found that it wasn't
> "aifill" causing problems, it was "mapsize". It only woks if the setting is
> less than or equal to 30 (the maximum setting for previous releases of
> freeciv). Oddly enough, it can be greater than 30 if "aifill" is 5,
> (although I am unable to reproduce this outcome). Any other time it
> disconnects from my local server with a "read error."
> As for my system, it is Windows XP Service Pack 3.
> I will also report this bug on the bug tracking system.
> regards,
> John Crockett

This bug is already reported as bug #17962
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