
4-Янв-2008 15:24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Auer) wrote to

>> No. I just express my own preference, but this not mean, that changing
>> program behavior will not have negative impact on other users. So, my
>> vote nearer to against.
EA> I still think /y is a good default. It only hurts people with VERY
EA> old Genius mice (such with no "switch to Microsoft mode" switch,
EA> or with switch but 3rd button only supported in MSys mode) but it
EA> helps many people who would otherwise get "trapped" in the caveat
EA> that an empty com port can be confused with a MSys mouse and who
EA> fail to read the docs carefully enough to realize that they want
EA> the /y option.

     "Want"? Capturing first port is usually safe and not hurt, there only
one drawback - extra stub in memory.

EA> With /y as the default, only people with very old
EA> Genius mice will have to read the docs to find the name of the
EA> new non-/y switch ;-).

     ...which they anyway can't use, if driver called from programs like
Partition Magic.

EA> Any suggestions for a letter to name it?

     May be /m?

>> But WHEN driver should re-initialize mouse?! I not see events, which
>> allows make reinitialization not too late or too often.
EA> As autodetection of "sync lost" is hard because the PS2 protocol
EA> is not designed to indicate sync, I suggest manual re-initialize.
EA> This will be by running ctmouse at the prompt. As far as I do

     There is one problem: desynced packets flow may cause "button pressed"
state imitation. Your current shell, if it works with mouse (like
Norton/Volcov Commander) may prevent you from doing anything while "button

EA> understand, this will re-use the TSR part of ctmouse after doing
EA> the mouse detection and init stuff :-).

>> No. When middle button pressed, 4th byte sent always; when button
>> released, they may sent 4th byte (with bit clear) or may not sent,
>> but again: review again resync check at start of MSLTproc. If 4th
>> byte is missed, this code releases middle button state.
EA> Just checked... It says "if no 4th byte, always force middle button
EA> to not pressed state". So mice have to keep sending a 4th byte the
EA> whole time while middle button is pressed.

     Yes. And they do so.

EA> How about modifying...
>>> if 4th byte = zero then                         ; both protocols
>>>   middle button released
>>> else if bit 5 (mask 00100000b) is set then      ; LT protocol
>>>   middle button pressed
>>> else                                            ; MS+wheel protocol
>>>   parse low 5 bits (bit 4 - middle button, bits 0-3 - wheel rotation)
EA> ...as follows then:
EA> If no 4th byte, reset middle button.

     This is assumed (as in current implementation). Above I show only part,
related to processing received 4th byte, and should be injected into
MSLTproc to make it generic across MS/LT protocols.

EA> Otherwise: Middle button
EA> state = bit 5 or bit 4, wheel change = low 4 bits. This should
EA> work for all 3 affected protocols :-).

     This is same as above, but offers slight optimization. :) Yes, good

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