Arkady V.Belousov escreveu:
>>>      Not all. :) But code of handlers was hardly changed in those times,
>>> and there was also target to minimize resident part size as much, as
>>> possible, whereas "autoswitch" may have own side effects. For example, with
>>> autoswicth we not know (can't know) how much buttons currently attached
>>> mouse have or if current mouse have wheel or not, and this makes useless
>>> checking BX after INT 33/0000 (should always contain 3 for serial mice) or
>>> bit 0 of CX after INT33/11 (will/should always be set). And, if some app
>>> wish to change its behavior depending on presence 3rd button/wheel in mouse,
>>> then such app's behavior change will be invalid if there attached
>>> 2-button/non-wheel mouse.
>      With what?
> AM> No discuttionon that matter because *have it working* so
> AM> everything else is vain philosophy.
>      If you not have problems with your set of apps doesn't mean that there
> not exist apps, which will have problems with changed on the fly mouse type.

I give up :(


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