Hi Jim,

while you can get even mainboards for socket AM3+ with
floppy controllers (plus all the modern stuff as USB3)
the question is whether you really NEED a floppy today

> My reasons for needing a floppy are:

> - development of diskwipe & mbr.  it's convenient to make a floppy to
> test with rather than making a lot of coasters for every test version
> iteration...

Since 1996 (!) you can buy rewriteable CD. Or if you
need more space, use a rewriteable DVD. Cheap, too :-)

> - usb zip drives can't be booted off of with older computers, takes
> forever to format with dos. they are also notoriously unreliable for
> data. read:click of death

ZIP are indeed somewhat odd. But CD/DVD boot nicely.
And apparently you can make diskimages which can be
BOTH written to CD/DVD and USB and boot from either.

With less fancy technology, make one for CD/DVD and
another one (FAT based) for booting from USB sticks.

> - drivers


> - sneakernet for small files

USB sticks... Not every BIOS supports it and there
is the problem of disk change. However, you *could*
just reboot DOS after each USB disk change, because
DOS boots fast and USB sticks have high capacity so
even if your software does not support USB change...

> - boot FreeDOS!

The normal way for FreeDOS 1.0 was the CD/DVD ISO,
I would say. We only have floppy distros for those
who do not have CD/DVD drives yet, which are only
a small group of users afaik... Also, I think nice
ONE floppy distros simply make a nice boot CD/DVD
boot floppy image...

> I am wondering besides using the virtual floppy driver, how you do
> without a floppy to make a bootable cd, hopefully with an image size
> that is larger than.

A standard BIOS should support 1200k, 1440k and 2880k
boot floppy images on a bootable CD/DVD/BD. Also, you
can use ISOLINUX and MEMDISK to use a disk image of
any other size and boot a CD/DVD/BD from that then :-)

Do not worry, ISOLINUX and MEMDISK do not CONTAIN any
Linux at all - they are just ABLE to boot Linux... :-)


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