Op 31-10-2011 6:10, Jim Michaels schreef:
> this is practically identical to the batch file I am using now (minus
> the unnecessary ramdisk). part of the problem is the boot sector
> required by isolinux, used by BFI.exe. hard to replicate unless you have
> dd or something.

If you're using Isolinux, no specific bootsector file is needed as you 
point MKISOFS to isolinux.bin as non-emulation mode bootfile.
But yeah there are programs which require you to supply a bootsector, 
for example in case of chainloading or sometimes CD creating.

> I wrote a program to extract it from binary files (or from anywhere in a
> binary file).

I think www.nu2.nu still has lots of utilities. The only removable 
(bootable) media used nowadays seem USB flash drives. Floppies are 
hardly sold anymore, and optical disks can be slow, usually write-only 
etc. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to write CDs, also an option.

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