Hi again,

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 5:36 PM, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
>> On 10/17/2017 8:44 AM, Jim Hall wrote:
>>> (2) Are there other packages we should install "Base" by default? I
>>> don't want to make this a free-for-all, but perhaps there are some
>>> utilities that should be "promoted" to "Base." What utilities do you
>>> think should be moved to "Base" in "FreeDOS 2.0"?

Simple userland utils:

* xgrep (3 kb)
* calc (6 kb)
* chksum (6 kb)
* arclds (6 kb)

Hardware statistics:

* cpulevel (2 kb)
* pcisleep (4 kb)

Honestly, I also think some high-level scripting would be extremely useful:

* sed (15 kb)
* awk (74 kb)

* (???) PicoC or EiC (but DJGPP 386+)

Possibly other low-level stuff too:

* uhex (11 kb)

But even old NASM 0.98.39 (limited 16-bit build) would be extremely
nice ("probably" more useful for us overall than AWK):

* nasm16 (72 kb)

FASM lacks OMF/OBJ (and requires 386+) but is still darn good:

* fasm (54 kb)

(N.B. All .EXE sizes are approximate and almost always UPX'd.)

I really think we need some kind of scripting available. Would some
kind of Forth be preferable? (DX? 4tH?) Doubt it, it's small and good
but not widespread enough in DOS circles. Batch isn't enough since it
can't do arithmetic. Maybe XPL0 (XPLIQ)?

I just reject the idea of downloading an external, full compiler suite
just to do simple maintenance and a few binary patches. (I have small
tools for binary patches, but that's limited use. We need something
more flexible but small.)

I know everyone will disagree with me. I'm just throwing out some
ideas. I personally couldn't live without sed. Certainly, NASM was
used a lot for many DOS utilities. I think xgrep is also extremely

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