
On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 1:56 AM, Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
>>>>> think should be moved to "Base" in "FreeDOS 2.0"?
>> * chksum (6 kb)
> How about some of our md5 and sha... sum implementations?

IIRC, Blair's md5sum.exe is 30 kb (UPX'd) while C. Dye's chksum is roughly 6 kb.

Honestly, in a pinch, I always use Joe Forster's tiny crc32 (1 kb),
but C. Dye's chksum has many more features. So that's why I
recommended that here. I think it's important to checksum things

Of course, we already have COMP (2 kb) in "BASE" for simple file comparisons.

>> * arclds (6 kb)
> Is that like "file" but only for zip and other archives?

It lists and updates timestamps of various archives. So, even with
"ZIP -o" and "UNZIP -T", it's still very useful. Honestly, I have no
idea how to "touch" a .RAR archive otherwise, without it. I don't know
of any switches in UnRAR at all. Maybe it's supported somehow, but I
don't know where. The only format I really miss is .gz (GZip), but I
have a few kludges / workarounds for that.

> In that case my tiny 2 kB "filetype" tool seems better ;-)

Already have it and use it sometimes, as you know. But that doesn't
list archives. I still miss better .EXE identification, too, but it's
not as easy as it sounds.

>> Possibly other low-level stuff too:
>> * uhex (11 kb)
> What is that?

Hex editor. Call me crazy, but I think we need some way to edit binaries.

>> even old NASM 0.98.39 (limited 16-bit build) would be extremely nice
> In any case, it is a classic, but is this for the 8086
> compatible distro? Or is it for BASE in general? FASM
> also is nice, I heard, so I agree with your FASM point.

I know no one will agree, but so many things use NASM, especially tiny
tools, that it's almost always useful. And hey, we do want to suggest
people learn to code improvements and fixes themselves, so ....
Barring a full C compiler (SmallerC? hey, it uses NASM!), what else
would you recommend instead? Let's not offload everything to "DEVEL".
Let's have some kind of scripting available, if possible. I know
there's no perfect choice, but we can think about it, can't we?

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