On 3/1/2023 8:22 AM, Bernd Boeckmann via Freedos-devel wrote:

I am now reaching a state where I think that FDISK not any longer breaks the 
partition layouts created by itself.

However, there is at least still one MAJOR flaw when dealing with partition 
layouts created by other partition managers:

If there exists an extended partition with a start address not aligned to 
cylinder boundaries, the position and size determination for logical drives is 
completely messed up.

For example: While continuing to cylinder-align the logical partitions, this is 
only reflected by the CHS values and not by the corresponding LBA sector 
numbers. CHS and LBA sectors get out of sync because of some wired mix of doing 
LBA and CHS calculation. A problematic line is for example:


Here the relative starting sector gets set unconditionally. But that is wrong 
in case the extended partition does not start on a cylinder boundary while the 
logical still gets aligned to it.

I must confess that I do not really know how to solve this issue without being 
in danger to completely break everything and want to ask:

a) If someone has an idea of a clever solution without rewriting the (sadly 
large) calculation routines.

b) If it would be ok (at least as an interim solution) to make FDISK refuse 
handling disks with such type of partition layout, because the user must have 
another partition manager to create such layouts anyway. While not being 
optimal, I think this is better than letting FDISK break things.

Greetings, Bernd
The reason why partition boundaries are aligned on cylinder boundaries is that a lot of other OSes also rely on that. Some don't. That's why you can't just change that behavior without creating problems elsewhere.

So this needs to be taken into account when calculating LBA. And specially today, there is no reason to whine about a couple dozen sectors or so.

Tread carefully, there be dragons... đŸ˜‰


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