> That doesn't make sense.  A VM is a hardware emulator.  It doesn't
> get to choose to relocate the InDOS flag.  DOSBox can do whatever
> it wants when it is emulating DOS, but a hardware emulator doesn't
> get to do those things.
> What VMs are you seeing this behavior in?

I was wondering if someone was going to ask that question.  I use the term 
"Virtual Machine" to talk about five different kinds of DOS emulators.  Some 
people will try and distinguish between them by saying something like, 'That's 
a Hypervisor and not a Virtual Machine".  I call them all Virtual Machines 
since they provide a Virtual Environment in which DOS runs.

The first type of VM is what MS did with DOS-based versions of Windows (like 
Windows 9x).  You would boot to DOS and then start Windows (which you could 
usually do just by typing "WIN").  From Windows you could then start a DOS 
Window which gave you something like the DOS that was running before Windows 
started (but it wasn't exactly the same).  You can actually have several of 
these DOS Windows running at the same time, and Microsoft called them Virtual 
Machines.  You could make calls to Windows to tell you which VMID (Virtual 
Machine ID) you were in.  E.g., with my SLOWDOWN program, if you installed 
SLOWDOWN before Windows started, you could use it to slow down Windows itself 
(which has VMID 0) which also affected all Windows-native applications.  You 
could also slow down the different DOS VMIDs underneath Windows individually 
and each VMID could be slowed down to a different speed.  SLOWDOWN would 
continually ask Windows which VMID was running so it knew the correct amount to 
slow things down.

The next type of VM was what MS did with Windows NT, and MS called those 
NTVDM's (NT Virtual DOS Machines).  Those were pretty poor imitations of DOS, 
but you could run some DOS applications there.

The next three types of VM's are the "modern" Virtual Machines that people 
usually mean nowadays when they say "VM".  The first type, which includes PCem 
and 86Box, simply provide a virtual hardware environment (usually a specific 
type of CPU, and they can even virtualize a 4.77 MHz 8088 CPU pretty 
accurately).  For the BIOS, they use real ROM images from real computers that 
existed a long time ago.  Though the BIOS is virtualized, it is a real BIOS 
that existed in a real computer at one time.  You install a real version of DOS 
in these types of VM's -- they don't include a DOS.  So if the DOS you install 
would have worked on the original hardware it has a _really_ good chance of 
working in this type of VM.

The next type of VM is one that virtualizes both the hardware and the BIOS (a 
few of these are VMware, VirtualBox, QEMU, and Bochs).  The BIOS is of the VMs 
own making and never existed in a real machine.  Some of them are based on 
SeaBIOS, but every VM I've experimented with seems to have their own "tweaks" 
both to the virtualized hardware and the BIOS capabilities.  Like the previous 
type of VM, you need to install your own version of DOS and they usually work 
pretty well.

The last type of VM is one that virtualizes all three elements: hardware, BIOS, 
and DOS itself.  The ones I've seen that do this are DOSBox and it's forks 
(which includes vDOS).  The DOS provided by these VM's is designed to be "good 
enough" to run some (and even many) DOS applications, but really isn't a very 
good version of DOS.  The "virtual DOS" that comes with DOSBox (and vDOS) does 
not have an InDOS flag or Critical Error flag and does not issue INT 28's (DOS 
Idle).  As a result, TSR's can't tell when "DOS" is "busy" and consequently 
can't avoid potential reentracy issues when the TSR wants/needs to call DOS 
functions.  Basically, DOSBox and its cohorts provide a "good enough DOS" to do 
some things but at least some TSR's will have problems.  Those VM's also have 
other things that are "missing" that can cause compatibility problems in 
certain areas (especially with TSRs), but they do work pretty well for certain 

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