I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but I've noticed  
recently, that pkunzip and unzip treat files with directory  
information differently on freedos.
I'm using the 1.0 kernel releases (tried upgrading to 1.1, but had  
some issues, so had to reinstall 1.0)
But, what happens is this:
When extracting a zip file that contains subdirectories, and using the  
-d command to recreate these directories:
pkzip gives me an error each and every time it runs across a  
subdirectory, stating that it can't create it.  (it does though, so  
not sure what's causing the error)
However, unzip does not report anything, and happily creates the  
subdirectories w/no problems.
I'm curious how one would go about tracking down this problem, would  
the debugging kernel mentioned here help, or is there some other way  
to track these kinds of problems?
It seems to be *every* zip file, but up to now, I've only been working  
with pre-existing zip files, I've not tried creating my own to see  
what happens.
I'm using pkzip 2.50 for dos.

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