Ron Said > screen with 1 2 or 3 selecting EMM386 with himem and I selected 3

Eric said > I hope this is the choice -without- emm386. Strange, my fdbasecd
only contains 1 "install" / 2 "safe mode"...? Ah now I understand options 3
4 and 5 are livecd and fdbasecd is too small so it does not contain the
livecd :-).

Ron Said > No I selected the 3 option which includes Himem.sys and EMM386
The statement below send me to nocd when it doesn't find shsurdrv.exe in
that directory
> If not exist X:\Fdos\bin\shsurdrv.exe goto nocd

Eric said> Hmm interesting I think X: is the cdrom drive letter but shsurdrv
is in the "odin" directory, not in "fdos"...?
Blair should be able to answer this... Maybe it is at the right place in the
larger CDs, I only have the small fdbasecd here...

Ron Said> That is exactly what is in the I also was wondering
what the X meant. I used an old Norton's Windows 95 recovery 3 1/2 inch
floppy so that I had a way to look. I used their editdisk that was on the
Floppy disk.

 That's what is on the CD in the fdauto.bat on the CD then it must be going
to nocd and then the nest thing that comes up while booting is Echo There is
no CD Rom or the wrong CD-ROM if I press escape then it boots but
immediately drops to the A prompt because it sends it to END.   

> As you said I guess said I need that file shurdrv on the floopy I 
> guess to make it work. Can you are someone attach it...

Eric said> It already is on the CD, but in another directory. Blair??

Ron said> You are right eric it is in the BIN directory don't know why it
didn't pick it up and run it maybe something to do with the X: Maybe I
should try and change it to A: because that's what it named my CD rom drive.

Ron Said>  ... I don't see the message LiveCD or anything on the screen
because it drops to end statement it is in fdauto.bat so I think I'm not
booting all of FreeDos. At the least I'm not running shsurdrv.exe

Eric said > Well there should be something like:

for %%X in ( 3 4 5 ) do if "%config%"=="%%X" goto livecd

Ron Said > This statement is more than likely in fdauto.bat but I never get
there because it drops to end when it doesn't find shsurdrv.exe


PS: Please answer on the list again, I just sent you some intermediate
information off-list so you or Blair can add more details and then continue
the discussion on the list :-).

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