1) What is the best/most stable/most compatible multitasking software
working with FreeDOS?

2) When I call from within autoexec.bat to test.bat file then after
test.bat is done it won`t jump back to autoexec.bat, also if exit is the
last command.

3) How to change the screen resolution?

4) I have lots of applications in different folders, like programs/prog1
and so on that I want to use from C:\. Normally you would add them to
the path variable? In my case it are to many folders and the path
variable is full at some point. I also do not want to push all programs
in one folder.

Now I have one folder with all my 'shortcuts'. The shortcut is just a
batchfile which will call the long name. But how can I pass the command
line parameters correctly?


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