
> In creating a multi-tasking dos,, why doesn't someone
> just create a version of dos which spawns a whole new
> virtual 386 machine for each application that is launched
> at the command line?

Windows 3 does this for each DOS window you open. The
complicated part is making the already loaded parts of
DOS including the kernel believe that only one app is
running. You have to save and restore state, e.g. SDA.

The kernel still only handles 1 request at a time, but
that is acceptable when most CPU time is spent in apps.

You also have to take care that different apps do not
try to access the same files, as the state swapping
hides things happening in each task from each other.

The different tasks also cannot communicate with
each other using DOS, but they can communicate with
Windows if they know how to do that.

> I think the software vmix386

Does it work with freedos? Which license does it have?

Did you try tridos, by the way? It does similar stuff
but not fully using protected mode afair, just swaps
all DOS memory into chunks of XMS or similar memory?

Making all this cooperate with HIMEM / EMM386 also adds
complexity, as does allowing the DOS apps to access
hardware directly. Many apps access e.g. the screen,
so you have to simulate N virtual screens and somehow
display one or more of them on the actual VGA screen.
Remember how Windows supported less and less graphics
for DOS over time, as they wanted to simplify things.

> Is this what windows attempted to do with it enhanced 386 mode?
> If so, why did it work so badly?

How badly did it work? It does not work well in FreeDOS,
you need to use the experimental winkern patches there
because of the very lowlevel approach of state swapping.
Windows 3 in standard mode swaps in more harmless ways.


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