Marco Achury <> wrote on Mon, 19 Sep 2011 21:29:19 -0430

> A more realistic goal to Freedos may be to expand the batch programming
> language to be compatible with newer windows versions, but keeping retro
> compatible with DOS batch programs.

> Look this nice code that we cant run on Freedos


Who says it can't be done in FreeDos or any other kind of "classic" DOS as 
opposed to the "Dos emulations" of modern Windows versions? (even though the 
code might have to be re-written)

Many operations that traditional DOS batch language doesn't provide out of the 
box, can be performed by the help of some additional utilities. One possible 
source for such utilities is the package "" which is available 

And if one doesn't insist in infix notation (mathematics using parantheses to 
indicate the  precedence of operations) but is comfortable with reverse poish 
notation (as used by older HP calculators) then one doesn't even need a batch 
file at all, but can use the utility RPN right out of the box.

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