Op 13-1-2012 16:11, Ulrich Hansen schreef:
> This seems to be a minor (but annoying) bug in FreeDOS 1.1: The german 
> keyboard does not work after the install. If I install the US keyboard, there 
> is no problem.
> Description: I have installed FreeDOS 1.1 with german language and keyboard. 
> If I boot (after a fresh install) with bootmenu option 1 (Load FreeDOS with 
> JemmEx) keyb will crash with the error message:
> Keyboard layout     : C:\FDOS\bin\keyboard.sys:GR [858]    (3)
> Critical error: cannot allocate memory. DOS reported error: 8

could you try adding "/NOHI" at your KEYB line please? Without quotes 
ofcourse. If that works I'll add it as default. I wasn't aware KEYB was 
automatically added by FreeDOS installer, haven't touched that part of 
code in ages.

> If I choose bootmenu 2 (Load FreeDOS with EMM386) instead of 1, everything 
> works fine and I have all my umlaute back ;-).

Good to know.

> Solution: Today I have solved this problem by removing "X = TEST" from the 
> JemmEx line in FDCONFIG.SYS. So the line looks like this:
> Bootmenu 1 boots OK now, with keyb not crashing.
> Now my question: What do I lose by removing "X=TEST"? Will the system become 
> more unstable?
> I experienced this with my VirtualBox installation of FreeDOS. Is it 
> possible, that this is only relevant in VirtualBox? Does anyone else know 
> this "bug"?

X=TEST is just a test for checking which UMB areas are (un)safe to use.

Could you perhaps try adding X=TEST to option 2 (EMM386) ? See if that 
works. I've not been able to reproduce your case in VMWARE Workstation 8.

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