Hi again,

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://terminus-font.sourceforge.net/
> http://czyborra.com/unifont/
> So I uploaded this (terminus.f16, terminus.asm, ofl.txt "open font
> license 1.1") to iBiblio for us.
> http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/system/fonts/
> I am not totally sure what font sizes GNUchcp supports. It seems
> to resize my screen [from 80x43] to what the BIOS calls 80x21.

Not sure of the details, but starting in 80x50 before running
"gnuchcp" will load the font into what is being identified as 80x25.
(Some text editors are quite picky about what resolutions they

> P.S. Halfway out of rage at inane copyright laws and the frustration
> they cause (even for dumb things like bitmap fonts), the other day I
> did use the old freeware DOS editor 2L8 (aka, Fonte) to create my own
> font. For laughs, I named it legalese.f16. I also rewrote the
> gnuchcp.pas program into pure assembly (esp. since TP isn't
> redistributable). So it went from 3904 bytes to only 134. For now, I'm
> not uploading these because I doubt anyone cares (i.e. terminus looks
> more professional), but feel free to ask ....

I ended up finishing this, though its .COM is now 333 bytes (still
plenty small enough, fits in a single floppy cluster!). The original
source was not complicated (56 lines = 890 chars, basically just
called two BIOS funcs). I added a help screen and some options ("-a",
"-e") to emulate the previous two versions of GNUCHCP (found in
LOADFONT and Freemacs MULE, respectively). v1 only loaded the first
127 chars, preserving any existing extended ASCII already loaded. v2
only loaded FFE binary output files, which contain only the upper 128
chars! v3 here loads all 256 chars by default (so with my Terminus
conversion you get 7-bit ASCII as well as full Latin 1).

It's now uploaded (with NASM source, plain text manual, legalese.f16,
int 10h 11xxh API reference) to the above-mentioned /fonts/ subdir on
iBiblio. This was not super important nor high priority, but maybe
it's slightly better overall.

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