2014-06-29 21:16 GMT+02:00, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com>:

> I don't know which versions exactly, but AFAIK, Turbo C tries to use
> EMS by default (if found) but not XMS (without some cmdline switches).
> So who knows if it's getting confused here. Remember that 32 MB of EMS
> is a lot (to it)!
> Are you using any switches like NOVCPI or FRAME=NONE? Try eliminating
> any unusual switches at load time.
> Try using something else like EMSMAGIC (or EMM286 or whatever) and see
> if the problem goes away. Heck, it might be JEMMEX specific, so try
> using (XMS +) JEMM386 separately. (At least that can LOAD and UNLOAD
> manually, so less clashes.)

No, no such exotic options, and using JEMM386 didn't help - but I
located the problem: JEMMEX isn't to blame. Somehow TC's IDE doesn't
like 4DOS - when switched to FREECOM, the problem is gone.

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