I would like to agree with Tom: It is good that FreeDOS comes
with a nice collection of drivers for modern hardware! Those
times when a DOS driver was included when people bought their
CD drive have long passed. Also, there are no reasons to limit
our distro to those minimal features of a few MS DOS disks ;-)

>> an operating system without CDROM and network drivers doesn't sound
>> very useful to me, even if everything has the correct license. YMMV.
> I think that the key is to perceive FreeDOS as a replacement to MSDOS, 
> nothing else (that is, "BASE")...

It is good to have a BASE download (probably with "live CD" or
"live USB stick" function, not requiring but allowing install
to other disks) if you want a basic no-nonsense system. Still
I would like to see drivers included even in such a download.

> But then, for actually useful (practical) stuff, one has to rely on a 
> FreeDOS distribution, like Svarog386, or collect the required "non-free" 
> bits by hand over the internet.

It also is good to have a FreeDOS distro which contains a pile
of nice useful free software, if possible fully open source. I
think IBIBLIO also requires open source for the file hosting.

I would NOT want the FreeDOS distro to be limited by extremely
specific license taste. As far as I am concerned, GPL 2 and 3,
MIT, Artistic license, BSD license, public domain etc. are all
perfectly fine for inclusion of packages in our normal distro.

> Otherwise I agree it can get a bit frustrating for actual users,
> and that's the reason I started Svarog386 in the first place.

Looking at your package listing, Svarog386 is quite nice, but we
should not give up the hope of having a nice plain FreeDOS distro.

Jerome, could you make a list of packages which existed in either
FreeDOS 1.0 or 1.1 but are not currently included in 1.2, along
with the reason for exclusion? I think we should indeed be a bit
more generous regarding inclusion of packages! Thanks :-)

Regards, Eric

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